Here you can find a range of support for your mental health and overall wellbeing. There’s also information for parents, carers and professionals on the support that’s available for young people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Children’s Mental Health Week takes place from 5 – 11 February 2024, click here to find out more and download helpful resources.

Find support for under 5’s and primary school age children here.


Support for young people

Health for Teens

Health for Teens logo

Health for Teens is a fantastic resource for young people to find out more about health, covering the likes of feelings, growing up, health, lifestyle, relationships and sexual health. Young people can also access localised information, news, resources, public health (school) nurse information and more in the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland area of the health for teens site.

Visit the website here 

Mental Health Support Teams in Schools (MHST)


Mental Health Support Teams in Schools (MHST) are part of a national programme to reduce inequalities and increase access to mental health support for children and young people. The LPT service works with almost 100 schools across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

The teams offer support to children and young people who are experiencing:

  • low mood
  • worry
  • anxiety and avoidance (e.g. simple phobias or separation anxiety)
  • sleep difficulties

The team can provide techniques and strategies to children and young people, either on a direct 1:1 basis, or within school groups. MHST also work closely with parents/carers to help them understand and support their child’s mental health.

To find out if your school is part of the programme and for advice on how to be referred, visit the Health For Teens website.



ChatAutism is a confidential, secure and free text messaging service for diagnosed autistic people of all ages and their families and carers – as well as people who want advice around assessment and diagnosis.

Text 07312 277097 for advice and support directly from a qualified health professional from Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust’s specialist autism team (SAT).

The service can help with things such as:

  • emotional wellbeing
  • how to have a healthy lifestyle
  • how to have healthy relationships
  • advice on drugs, alcohol and smoking
  • support with understanding autism
  • signposting to helpful resources
  • assessment and diagnosis advice.

For more information and support on Autism, visit our Autism Space.

Other useful websites


Kooth is an online service that offers individuals a safe community to support their mental health. Aimed at adults, students and young people.

For more information, visit the Kooth website.


Childline is a private and confidential helpline for children and young people under 19.

Calls are free on 0800 1111.

For more information, visit the Childline website.

Young Minds

Young Minds is an online service that offers support and guidance to young people and their families.

For more information, visit the Young Minds website.


Minds is an online service that offers support and guidance to young people and their families.

For more information, visit the Mind website.

NHS Online support

The NHS website offers mental health and wellbeing support and guidance to young people and their families.

For more information, visit the NHS website.

Support in your local area

Leicester City

ChatHealth logo

ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service that enables children and young people (aged 11-19) to contact their local public health nursing team for confidential advice and support.

Just send a text to 07520 615386 (if you live in Leicester City) and a member of your local public health nursing (school nursing) team will get back to you within 24 hours.
The service is open
9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
For more information visit the website. 


The Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) Team 

It’s normal for everyone to feel anxious sometimes, and children and young people of all ages can be affected by worries and stress. Different schools, new friendships and, as we get older, exams are some of the normal pressures facing young people and each person’s experiences will be personal and, therefore, different.

If you need support at school or college then your teacher or other member of staff can get in touch with this team. The SEMH Team can work with the school, with your family and you to help you to understand and manage your emotions.


Healthy Together school nursing serviceHealthy Together logo

The Healthy Together school nursing service can provide advice and support on a number of topics such as: sleep advice, healthy lifestyle, relationships, emotional/mental health, anxiety and worry, understanding anger, self-harm, low mood and much more.

Schools, parents, carers, GPs and school aged children and young people can refer into the school nursing service for support and advice. Ask your school how to refer for school nurses.


Teen Health (11 – 19) Service Leicestershire

The new Teen Health Service for young people aged 11 to 19 who live in or attend school in Leicestershire is now live.

This service supports young people to:

  • Improve mental health and emotional wellbeing, including self-esteem, body image and building resilience
  • Build healthy and positive relationships with the aim to reduce violence in intimate relationships and promoting positive sexual health and wellbeing
  • Make healthier choices in order to reduce substance misuse and alcohol consumption

Each secondary school will have access to a Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Coordinator/Officer, who will visit each school on a regular basis. They will focus on identifying where support is required and intervene early.

Referrals can be made by schools, parents, professionals, or the young person themselves. Initial visits and conversations are vital for embedding strong foundations and it will give you the chance to discuss your priorities for young people over the course of the year.


Teen Health (11 – 19) Service Rutland

The new Teen Health Service for young people aged 11 to 19 who live in or attend school in Rutland is now live.

This service supports young people to:

Improve mental health and emotional wellbeing, including self-esteem, body image and building resilience
Build healthy and positive relationships with the aim to reduce violence in intimate relationships and promoting positive sexual health and wellbeing
Make healthier choices in order to reduce substance misuse and alcohol consumption

Each secondary school will have access to a Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Coordinator/Officer, who will visit each school on a regular basis. They will focus on identifying where support is required and intervene early.

Referrals can be made by schools, parents, professionals, or the young person themselves. Initial visits and conversations are vital for embedding strong foundations and it will give you the chance to discuss your priorities for young people over the course of the year.

Support for parents, guardians and carers

As a parent, guardian or carer it’s important to look after your own mental health. Find information and support for your mental health, as well as helpful downloads here.

Mental Health top tips and signposting

Mental Health top tips for parents and carers

There are things that everyone can do to support children and young people’s mental wellbeing. These include:

  • Ensuring children and young people have a healthy sleep routine, which can have a huge impact on their mood. Make sure they also eat a well-balanced diet and exercise to keep their body healthy to help them feel their best.
  • Encourage connections with family, friends and the wider community; set aside quality time to spend together and support them to make connections in the community through hobbies, sports or volunteering.
  • Show an interest in their life and the things that are important to them.
  • Make time to talk to your child and listen to what they have to say about their day and their feelings. Support them if they are having difficulties. Advice on how to talk to children can be found on the Young Minds website and advice on dealing with difficult behaviours and emotions can be found on the Maudsley Charity website.

Useful downloads

Whether you’re a young person, a parent, guardian, carer or professional – you can find and download helpful information and signposting for your local area.

View and download the Children and Young People’s mental health poster

View and download the Mental Health an Emotional Wellbeing guide 

View and download Mental Health Support for young people in Leicestershire


View and download Mental Health Support for young people in Leicester City



View and download Mental Health Support for young people in Rutland

View and download the Children & Young People (CYP) Mental Health Transformation Plan Refresh 2023

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